
Hypnosis has become much more widely regarded during the last decade as a reliable method to address a multitude of conditions affecting a variety of people. Whether you are a sports person attempting to attain great heights, trying to quit smoking or lose some weight, we can help.


There have also been great strides using Hypnosis to boost confidence, overcome fears or manage stress.


Hypnosis is so effective at dealing with conditions such as these that require extra will-power because it works at the right level to achieve development of your mind. After all, everything that has been accomplished anywhere in the world was once a thought before it existed…


“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein


The mind is fundamental for changing behavior and achieving your goals…

freedom from addiction orlando

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve” Napoleon Hill

Your Subconscious Mind

Your mind is like an iceberg, and your conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg. The conscious mind is the logical, rational and analytical part. The subconscious mind is like the iceberg itself. It is bigger, stronger and far more powerful. It controls your breathing, heart rate and basic bodily functions. It stores all your memories, contains your emotions and feelings, houses your wonderful imagination and it protects you by your fight or flight response by keeping old habits going.

Your little conscious mind can only process between 5 and 9 pieces of information at any time.

Your subconscious mind, however, is processing over TWO MILLION pieces of information every second. It is your autopilot and runs your life for you.

Your Subconscious Mind in Action

When we are learning to drive, we have to consciously think of many different things at once, looking in the mirror, our speed, turning the steering wheel, being aware of the other traffic.

After a while all of these functions become automatic having been downloaded into our subconscious mind. We can be driving along thinking instead of what to buy at the shops, or what to have for dinner and not consciously thinking about driving.

Have you ever reached your destination and not actually remembered driving there?!

Have you ever driven to work on your day off…?!

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