Smoking – Online Group Session

Have you tried to Stop Smoking

    and Nothing has Worked…?

If so, you are like 99% of our clients – we have the answer…
– and you don’t even need to leave home!

only $89!

– less than half the price of a personal one-on-one session!


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120+ Reviews – 99% 5-Star


Relate to this?

“Wow, have I really spent that much?”
    said one of our clients, shocked after doing the math

“I want to spend time with my family, see my grandchildren grow up”
    said another who committed herself to improving her health


Did You Know?

68% of Smokers Want to Quit(1)

Nearly 7 in 10 smokers want to quit and more than 55% try to quit, but most fail – you are not alone!


Smokers Die 10 Years Earlier than Non-Smokers(2)

Why do you continue to smoke when you know you are risking your health and reducing your life expectancy?

Smokers Spend over $123,000 in their Lifetime on Cigarettes(3)

Do you know how much smoking is costing you? The actual cost, including health care costs, loss of income and the financial opportunity cost is estimated to be a staggering $1.9 million per smoker!

Take Control Over Your Past…

We all know there is nothing quite like a good smoke, but it comes with a price

If you are like a lot of our clients, it’s finally taken a toll, and it’s time to shake the habit for good. While it’s never too late to quit smoking, if you have been at it for a long time, it can be pretty tough. We want to help you to obliterate the obsession where it starts. We go to the root of the problem that resides in the subconscious mind. It’s like pulling a weed out of your garden by the root rather than just the stem.

It’s Never Too Late to Quit!(4)

You may be thinking… “I’ve smoked all my life, it’s not worth quitting.”

But, did you know that within:

  • 24 hours without nicotine, your risk of a heart attack decreases
  • 72 hours your breathing becomes easier
  • 2 months your circulation improves, and you can be more active
  • 10 years you are no more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker

NOW is the Time!

There are fewer and fewer places for smokers to smoke and it is becoming more and more socially unacceptable. Now is the right time to quit. You owe it to yourself for your own health and everyone around you. By investing in yourself now you can break the habit and have better health, more money, smell fresh and be free from the constant craving.

Create a New Future For Yourself and Your Family

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Kick the habit for good
  • Be able to inhale deeply and not get the tickle in your chest that triggers a cough
  • Be carefree. You know how it goes… It’s nearly midnight and you remember you are nearly out of cigs so you have to stop at the local gas station to buy some so you have them there when you wake up
  • Get your time back
  • Be calm without the need to “relax”
  • Be able to put the money you spend on cigarettes to good use or do something that lasts
  • Be there for your family as the little ones grow up. How good would it feel to know you are doing everything you can to prolong your health and your life?

“I feel like I have my life back!”

   a recent client wrote, who quit with just one session, after smoking for 30 years

Why Hypnosis?

“Hypnosis is the BEST Way to Quit Smoking”(5)

According to the largest study ever, combining the results of 72,000 people, hypnosis is 3 times as effective as a patch and 15 times as effective as using your willpower.


87% Quit Smoking using Hypnosis(6)

If you are trying to give up smoking, the more you think about not having a cigarette the more you want one. This is because whenever you have conscious willpower versus subconscious imagination, your imagination will always win. Hypnosis changes the way you think, subconsciously.


Master Your Thoughts

Smoking is an addiction, a bad habit. If most of our habits are learned along the way, then we can “unlearn” them too, by becoming Masters of our Thoughts. The people who live the life of their dreams have just as many issues to overcome as those who live miserable, unfulfilled lives – they have just learned to master their thoughts instead of allowing their thoughts to master them.

Hypnosis Changes the Way you THINK – without you Thinking About It!

It’s important to understand why you continue to smoke when you know you want to stop. In order to do this, Helen will help you to change your beliefs (how you think) and your emotions (how you feel) towards smoking. She can do this through hypnosis by conditioning your mind so that you no longer want to smoke!

Quitting smoking is more about educating your mind, brain and body to become conditioned to a new way of thinking and feeling. Hypnosis can help you to do this by changing the way you think – without you thinking about it!


So Why Now and Why Us?

If you have tried most conventional methods out there, chances are, you might have come up short on success

While those other methods can be good, the hook might be set a bit deeper for you. You may just require a little more. Maybe you just haven’t tapped into the subconscious mind where this irrational desire to ruin your health originates from. Helen has had great success working with people to accomplish all of this and more.

Do Online Remote Sessions Really Work?

Absolutely – 100%

In all the years I have been offering hypnosis, remote online sessions have proved as effective, if not more so, than traditional face-to-face sessions. I can categorically state that it makes absolutely no difference whether you are sitting next to me, or you are in a different city or even a different country.


The moment you close your eyes, you will experience the same high-quality hypnosis session as if we were in the same room.

We will share that room together, you feel safe and secure in your own home. All you need is a private space and some quiet time, free from interruptions.  You don’t need to worry about the traffic, the weather or travelling at night.

You will be able to relax more quickly with a remote session and enter a deep hypnotic state more effectively in your favorite armchair.

The process is simple. All you need is a laptop, tablet or smart phone. We will send you all of the details, including the link to the video conference call, once you have registered for the session.


Are Group Sessions As Good As Personal Sessions?

It depends what you want help with!

Personal sessions work best when the client has lots of personal issues they want to address. Helping with stress, confidence and fears, or where the client is looking to make improvements to their life, is only possible with a one-to-one session.

I see a lot of smokers every week, a lot of them quit and a lot of them quit first time. So many people need help to quit smoking (an estimated 28 million people in the USA are smokers and a large percentage want to quit) – I don’t have time to see them all!

Group sessions for smoking work great – the session is very focused – the sole aim is for the client to come out of hypnosis and to never WANT to smoke again!

By providing group sessions for smokers, I can help multiple people AT THE SAME TIME!

Whilst it is true that a personal session can be tailored to meet the needs of the client (and this is particularly useful where the client has other issues they need help with, not just their desire to be a non-smoker), if your goal is “simply” to quit smoking, a Group Session is JUST AS EFFECTIVE as a personal session – the main difference for you is the PRICE!

I currently offer hypnosis for smoking at LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE of an individual session!!


What If It Doesn’t Work?

Hypnosis doesn’t work for every person, every time, whoever the hypnotist is, whatever the client is looking for help with. I have helped many people quit smoking in just one session – and if you are serious about quitting, there is a good chance I can help you too!

But what if it doesn’t work? Firstly, let us know as soon as possible (within a week). We want to help you, to work with you, to support you through your journey to be a non-smoker! Let us know if you have quit too – we want to be the first to congratulate you!

If you have reduced the number of cigarettes you are smoking, but can’t quite manage to quit completely, you would probably benefit from another session. We can offer you a personal one-to-one session at HALF THE PRICE of a normal session – just $90! Get in contact as soon as you can, and we will book you in as soon as we have availability!

If you are still smoking, or there was an issue with the session, for whatever reason, get back in touch within a week and you can attend the next group session free of charge!

Why Should You Trust Helen?

Remarkable Credibility

Don’t take our word for it. We believe documentation beats conversation. Do a Google search and look her up – check out her reviews – or browse through Bark, where she has helped over 600 clients.


320+ Reviews ~ 98% 5 Star


Let’s Look at the Bigger Picture

We recently had a client quit smoking that had spent over $100,000 on cigarettes during her lifetime. The actual cost was much more, that was just the cigarettes. She contacted us and we did a remote online session for her. At the end of the session, Helen asked her if she wanted a cigarette?

“No way, I never want to smoke again!” she said shaking her head vigorously.

only $89!

– less than half the price of a personal one-on-one session!


By clicking “Book Now”, you confirm that you have read and accept the Terms & Conditions


120+ Reviews – 99% 5-Star

Contact us NOW – Change your Life FOREVER!!

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    1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Current Cigarette Smoking Among Adults—United States, 2005–2016. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2018;67(2):53-9

    2. Jha P, Ramasundarahettige C, Landsman V, et al. 21st Century Hazards of Smoking and Benefits of Cessation in the United States. New England Journal of Medicine 2013;368:341–50



    5. Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone. University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992. (Also New Scientist, October 10, 1992.)

    6. A study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using hypnosis. Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7.

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